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Kansas Court Records

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Sedgwick County Court Records

Court records in Sedgwick County include documents of any form created or filed in connection to a court case and information on judicial proceedings of courts in the county. Sedgwick County court records, like other Kansas court records, may contain information such as:

  • Party names
  • Case number
  • Attorney and Judge details
  • Charges or petitions
  • File date and other relevant dates
  • Case summary and status
  • Judgment and disposition

Court records are essential for a variety of reasons, including:

  • They can serve as evidence during appeals
  • Persons can use them as evidence of a final decision (as with divorce decrees)
  • Historical reference
  • Helpful in deciding if actions were fair and carried out following the proper procedure
  • It can be used to ensure compliance with court decisions after disposition (as with child support)

Are Court Records Public in Sedgwick County?

Yes, court records in Sedgwick County are considered public unless otherwise exempted from public disclosure by statute, Supreme Court rule, or court order. As per the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA), individuals can view or obtain copies of Sedgwick County public records, including unrestricted case files, transcripts, and other court records.

Some examples of court records or case information that fall under the KORA exemptions include:

  • Juvenile records
  • Adoption records
  • Privilege information under the rules of evidence
  • Certain criminal investigation records
  • Medical, psychological, or psychiatric records
  • Drug dependence or alcoholism treatment records
  • Grand jury proceedings
  • Sealed documents and expunged criminal records

In cases when the entire record is not exempted, individuals may still access restricted records after the exempted information is separated or redacted from copies provided to the public.

Sedgwick County Court Records Search

Generally, finding court records in Sedgwick County may involve online case searches, in-person visits, or sent requests. Regardless of the method, individuals should confirm the court where the proceedings took place, determine what type of record is needed, and gather specific case details that will help locate the record.

Requesting copies of Sedgwick court records usually involves providing case and record descriptions to the custodian via in-person or mailed requests and paying applicable fees when required. Accessing restricted information or records may also require requesters to present valid picture identification to prove their right to access the data.

Sedgwick County Court Records Search by Name

Record seekers can search by name on the District Court public access portal. Other resources, such as those maintained by the Wichita Municipal Court, provide users with a list of matched results, which can be narrowed down by providing further case details. Available information on each case may include:

  • Case number
  • Party names
  • Case type and status
  • Charges or petitions
  • Case event history with relevant dates
  • Judge and attorney names
  • Judgment and disposition details

However, users must register to conduct searches on the District Court public access portal. Moreover, individuals can only view case information with these online resources. To obtain copies of Sedgwick County court records, make requests in person or send request forms containing party names and specific case details to the court clerk who handled the case. The clerk can charge requesters for finding and duplicating court records or providing certified documents.

Sedgwick County Courts

The trial court system in Sedgwick County consists of District, County, and Municipal Courts located at:

District Courts in Sedgwick County
Sedgwick County District Court
525 North Main Street,
Wichita, KS 67203
Phone: (316) 660-5900
Fax: (316) 941-5361

County Courts in Sedgwick County
Sedgwick County Court
510 North Main Street,
Suite 103,
Wichita, KS 67203
Phone: (316) 660-9050

Municipal Courts in Sedgwick County
Andale Municipal Court
326 North Main Street,
P.O. Box 338,
Andale, KS 67001
Phone: (316) 444-2351
Fax: (316) 444-2322

Bel Aire Municipal Court
7651 East Central Park Avenue
Bel Aire, KS 67226
Phone: (316) 744-6000

Bentley Municipal Court
150 South Wichita Avenue,
P.O. Box 273,
Bentley, KS 67016
Phone: (316) 796-1799
Fax: (316) 796-1711

Cheney Municipal Court
131 North Main Street,
Cheney, KS 67025
Phone: (316) 540-3622
Fax: (316) 542-0185

Clearwater Municipal Court
129 East Ross Avenue,
Clearwater, KS 67026
Phone: (620) 584-2317
Fax: (620) 584-3118

Colwich Municipal Court
310 South 2nd Street,
P.O. Box 158,
Colwich, KS 67030
Phone: (316) 796-1025
Fax: (316) 796-0913

Derby Municipal Court
229 North Baltimore,
Derby, KS 67037
Phone: (316) 788-1511
Fax: (316) 788-3706

Eastborough Municipal Court
1 Douglas Avenue,
Eastborough KS 67207
Phone: (316) 682-4111
Fax: (316) 682-4193

Garden Plain Municipal Court
505 North Main Street,
P.O. Box 336,
Garden Plain, KS 67050
Phone: (316) 531-2321
Fax: (316) 535-2207

Goddard Municipal Court
118 North Main Street,
P.O. Box 667,
Goddard, KS 67052
Phone: (316) 794-2441
Fax: (316) 794-2401

Haysville Municipal Court
200 West Grand,
P.O. Box 404,
Haysville, KS 67060
Phone: (316) 529-5920
Fax: (316) 529-5921

Kechi Municipal Court
1 05 Sioux Street,
P.O. Box 88
Kechi, KS 67067
Phone: (316) 744-6611
Fax: (316) 201-6962

Maize Municipal Court
10100 Grady Avenue,
P.O. Box 245,
Maize, KS 67101
Phone: (316) 722-8736
Fax: (316) 425-3380

Mount Hope Municipal Court
112 West Main Street,
P.O. Box 10,
Mount Hope, KS 67108
Phone: (316) 661-2211
Fax: (316) 661-2212

Mulvane Municipal Court
211 North 2nd,
Mulvane, KS 67110
Phone: (316) 777-9515
Fax: (316) 777-4081

Park City Municipal Court
6110 North Hydraulic,
Park City, KS 67219
Phone: (316) 744-6417
Fax: (316) 744-3865

Valley Center Municipal Court
616 East 5th Street,
Valley Center, KS 67147
Phone: (316) 755-7309
Fax: (316) 755-7339

Wichita Municipal Court
455 North Main Street,
2nd Floor,
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: (316) 268-4611
Fax: (316) 268-4249

Sedgwick County District Court Records

The Sedgwick County District Court has general jurisdiction over all criminal, civil, and probate cases in the county but usually just hears the cases beyond the jurisdiction of lower courts. Individuals can view case information by registering and conducting searches on the Kansas District Court public access portal. Alternatively, interested persons can view records in person or request copies from the District Court at:

18th Judicial District Court
Records Department
525 North Main Street,
Suite 616
Wichita, KS 67203
Email: sg.micro@kscourts.org

Requesters should specify the needed record, provide case information, and pay fees in person or include these to the request form and send along with fees if known or upon response from the clerk.

Sedgwick County Criminal Records

Sedgwick County criminal records are official documents provided by criminal justice agencies that contain information on an individual’s criminal activities. They include local arrests, prosecutions, convictions, and incarceration. These records are created by various courts, law enforcement agencies, and detention facilities in the county and submitted to a statewide central repository.

The Kansas Bureau of Investigation maintains this central repository of criminal history record information (CHRI) that may include Sedgwick County arrest records. Eligible parties can request Sedgwick criminal records through this agency by conducting name-based or fingerprint-based background checks for $30 or $45, respectively. Interested persons should send completed record request forms, fees in check form, and fingerprint cards (if necessary) to:

Kansas Bureau of Investigation
Attn: Criminal History Records Section
1620 SW Tyler
Topeka, KS 66612-1837

As criminal records are public in the state, any person, business, or organization may conduct checks and receive information on the subject’s arrests and convictions in the state, if any. However, the following criminal record details are exempted from public disclosure:

  • Juvenile offender records
  • Records of arrests at least 12 months old
  • Records of arrests that did not lead to conviction
  • Expunged arrest, conviction, or inmate records

To request Sedgwick's arrest records specifically, interested persons should direct requests to the Sheriff’s Office, City Police Department, or law enforcement agency that made the arrest.

Sedgwick County Criminal Court Case Lookup

Interested persons can look for case information on Sedgwick County criminal court cases using the search tools provided by the court, such as the District Court public access portal and the Wichita Municipal Court search portal. Persons can also view case details through public access terminals in the court location. However, publicly available information obtained with these resources may be limited or available for viewing only.

Alternatively, interested persons may request copies of Sedgwick County criminal court records by sending request forms containing case details to the court clerk where the case was filed and paying applicable fees when required.

Get Sedgwick County Civil Court Records

Sedgwick County civil court records are official documents that give accounts of judicial actions, proceedings, and other relevant information concerning civil cases filed in courts under the county's jurisdiction. These civil court actions are typically lawsuits involving disputes between individuals or businesses and may result from a contract breach, personal injury, or property damage.

To obtain civil court records in Sedgwick County, individuals should conduct online searches or direct requests to the clerk or records department of the court where the civil suit was filed and provide case information and fees when required.

For instance, to access records of civil cases filed in the Sedgwick County District Court, interested persons may register and conduct searches with the District Court public access portal, visit the clerk in person, or send requests containing case descriptions to:

18th Judicial District Court
Records Department
525 North Main Street,
Suite 616
Wichita, KS 67203
Email: sg.micro@kscourts.org

Sedgwick County Family Court Records

Sedgwick County family court records include all documents created or collected during family law cases filed in a county court. The Sedgwick County District Court, Family Law Division handles most family law matters involving adoption, child custody, child support, divorce, domestic assault or abuse-related issues, alimony/spousal support, and certain juvenile matters.

Individuals seeking access to family court records in Sedgwick County should direct requests to the District Court Records Department by conducting online searches, visiting the court, or sending filled request forms to:

18th Judicial District Court
Records Department
525 North Main Street,
Suite 616
Wichita, KS 67203
Email: sg.micro@kscourts.org

However, requesters should note that access to some information contained in family law records may be restricted under the Freedom of Information Act or sealed by court order and strictly available to parties involved. Obtaining Sedgwick family court records can serve as evidence of final decision, help with appeals, and can be used to ensure compliance with court decisions after disposition.

Sedgwick Dissolution of Marriage Records

In Sedgwick County, pursuing the dissolution of marriage means terminating a legally recognized marriage between a couple. It is commonly referred to as a divorce.

The state of Kansas provides different types of dissolution of marriage records, including:

  • Sedgwick County divorce certificate contains basic information about the dissolved marriage, such as the names of the separating parties, the date of their marriage, the date of divorce, the county where the divorce was filed, the date of filing, and the court case number.
  • A divorce decree is a court declaration that summarizes the court settlement. It is the final order issued by a judge to end the marriage. It contains information regarding the parties' responsibilities and rights, including asset division, alimony, financial responsibilities, child support, visitation, and custody rights.
  • Divorce information is just an informational copy of the court records that the county district court may make available to the general public.

Overall, records of Sedgwick County divorce are available at the 18th Judicial District Court. Interested persons may conduct online searches, visit the court, or send filled request forms to the clerk or Records Department.

Sedgwick County Marriage and Divorce Records

Records for marriages and divorces granted in Sedgwick County are maintained and disseminated by the Sedgwick County District Court. Individuals can also obtain Sedgwick County marriage certificates through the KDHE Office of Vital Statistics. However, these records, especially certified copies containing sensitive personal information, are restricted to the records subjects and close relatives of the subject, including:

  • Subject’s child (18 years and older)
  • Parent or grandparent
  • Legal guardian (with custody order)
  • The current spouse of a record subject
  • Direct siblings, aunts, and uncles
  • Legal representatives

To obtain Sedgwick County marriage records or divorce decrees from the Sedgwick County District Court, direct requests to:

18th Judicial District Court
Records Department
525 North Main Street,
Suite 616
Wichita, KS 67203
Email: sg.micro@kscourts.org

Alternatively, send marriage records copy requests, a copy of valid photo identification, and $20 fees to the KDHE Office of Vital Statistics at:

Kansas Office of Vital Statistics
1000 SW Jackson
Suite 120
Topeka, KS 66612-2221

Sedgwick County Birth and Death Records

The Office of Vital Statistics records births and deaths in Sedgwick County. Therefore, anyone seeking to obtain Sedgwick County birth certificates should direct requests to this custodian. However, in accordance with the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA), these records - along with other Sedgwick County vital records - are not open for public inspection and strictly available to:

  • Person named on the birth records (with valid ID)
  • Immediate family members (with valid ID)
  • Legal representatives (with proof and valid ID)
  • Anyone who has a direct interest in the record (with proof and valid ID)

Qualified persons may request Sedgwick County birth records or death certificates in person or send completed birth or death application forms, $20 fees in check or money order, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and ID requirements to:

Kansas Office of Vital Statistics
1000 SW Jackson
Suite 120
Topeka, KS 66612-2221

Sedgwick County Probate Court Records

Records of probate matters handled by the Probate Division of the Sedgwick County District Court include all documents filed during probate actions such as estate administration, guardianships, adoptions, and conservatorships.

However, not all probate court records or information are available to the public. For instance, adoption records and information on the care or treatment of alcoholics or mentally ill persons fall under KORA exemptions.

Obtaining probate court records in Sedgwick County may involve conducting online case searches, visiting the court, or sending filled requests forms to:

18th Judicial District Court
Records Department
525 North Main Street,
Suite 616
Wichita, KS 67203
Email: sg.micro@kscourts.org

Sedgwick County Property Records

Sedgwick County property records are public documents containing information on a specific land or real property parcel. The Register of Deeds keeps records of all real estate transactions in Sedgwick County, including deeds, mortgages, liens, and platted expansions in all Sedgwick County communities. Interested persons should direct requests to obtain these records to:

The Register of Deeds Office
Ruffin Building
100 N Broadway,
Suite 105
Wichita, KS 67202

Kellogg Tag Office Location:
5620 E Kellogg
Wichita, KS 67218
Phone: (316) 660-9400

Additionally, individuals can search mobile land records to obtain property ownership or appraisal information or use the property tax and appraisal portal provided by the County Treasurer, Appraiser, and Clerk's Office to find property-related information.

Sedgwick County Court Records Online

Generally, the case search tools provided by the District Court and certain Municipal Courts provide online access to various case information. Alternatively, individuals can use third-party resources like Kansascourtrecords.us to get Sedgwick County court records online. However, such platforms operate independently of a government agency. As a result, the accuracy of record results obtained on these platforms may not be guaranteed.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!